Task Trackr
Created to help me manage day-to-day tasks.
Laravel • Vue 3 • Android Studio • Google Admob
This project was created so I could practice working with a completely separate Front-end
technology. I didn't use Inertia for this project as I wanted to improve my understanding of how the front-end interacts with the backend. This added more complications to the project as I required seperate routing for the front end and a custom way to handle user authentication through vue store (VueX).
I then created a small Android Studio app with a webview that loads the webpage up. This way I was able to release the product as an app on Google Play. This process also resulted in me learning more about the process of deploying a mobile app (a process I have not done since I released a small mobile game in 2018). I was then able to integrate google AdMob into the mobile app to try and generate some revenue from user
The app is available on Android and can be used for free, or you can visit the site on a standard browser (however, it is designed for mobile-only - task-trackr.co.uk)